
Congratulations to Donna Caudron!  The Board of Directors welcomes you… Thank you to all who attended the meeting on Saturday.  The video has been split into three parts and uploaded to our website.  The file sizes are large, so may take some time to load.

Water at the Resort

Water is now available at your lot!  We are ahead of our May 1st target date!  BIG SHOUT OUT to Tim O’Neill, our plant operator Toby, Peter Geurts, Bill Reynolds, Dale Caudron & Norm Hamel who rolled up their sleeves to make this happen.  Thank you guys! Did you know you should have a backflow […]

Elk Warning

CITY / LOCALITY: YAHK (approx.) DATE & TIME: 2020-09-19 08:56:32 ENCOUNTER TYPE: INJURED/DISTRESSED ATTRACTANT: NOT APPLICABLE OUTCOME: NOT SPECIFIED SOURCE: COS ABOUT THE SPECIES: Elk are a member of the deer family. As herbivores, elk feed upon a variety of vegetation including shrubs, grasses, sedges and leaves. Males and females live in separate herds for most of the year but during the […]

Warning Cougar in Area

CITY / LOCALITY: YAHK (approx.) DATE & TIME: 2020-08-30 17:30:56 ENCOUNTER TYPE: SIGHTINGS ATTRACTANT: NOT APPLICABLE OUTCOME: GONE ON ARRIVAL SOURCE: COS ABOUT THE SPECIES: Cougars are the largest of Canada’s three wild cats and are formidable hunters. Strictly carnivorous, cougars prey primarily on deer but will also hunt other ungulates and smaller mammals when the opportunity presents itself. Young cougars stay […]

Covid-19 Information

Here you will find the latest data on COVID-19 cases in British Columbia. Click on the links or image below to access the BC COVID-19 dashboard for the latest case counts and information on recoveries, deaths, hospitalizations, testing and more: BC COVID-19 Dashboard (mobile and most browsers) BC COVID-19 Dashboard for Internet Explorer users The dashboard is updated Monday to […]

Burn Pit

The burn pit was lit this morning.  Please remind children to stay away.  If you have yard debris, you can put it to the side (you will notice where) and we will move it to the pit later. Thank you.

New Sign Display Contest

Contest Rules: Only Moyie River Ranch Resort Limited Partners may enter this contest. One contest entry per lot. Design must incorporate the below sign. The sign dimensions are 11.5 ft x 7 ft. You may include a water feature, lighting, rocks, landscaping, etc. Design may be hand-drawn or software generated. All submissions will be shared […]

Canada Day Parade

COVID19 CANADA DAY PARADE SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 2020 9:30 am PARADE STAGING IN FRONT OF THE SHOP (please stay in your vehicle/quad etc.) 10:00 PARADE KICK-OFF LED BY JACQUIE (WITH HER MUSIC BLARING AS USUAL) CELEBRATING OUR GREAT LIVES IN CANADA –COVID STYLE Sorry, no pancake breakfast or bikes in the parade this year –social […]

Black Bear in the Resort

June 10, 2020, Black Bear has been spotted in the Yahk area.  Let’s do our part – do not leave out garbage.  Remind your kids about bear safety.